8th February 2017

Year 6 Banquet

The children in year 6 were treated like royalty in literacy today!  We held the banquet from our class text Macbeth and the children drank from goblets and were served delicious snacks!  Miss op den Brouw (acting as Macbeth) started to […]
7th February 2017

Safer Internet Day – Y6

Year 6 designed their own emojis for Safer Internet Day!
3rd February 2017

NSPCC Number Day in Year 6

Year 6 investigated Tangrams this morning as part of NSPCC Number Day!
1st February 2017

Year 6 PSHCE Workshop

Year 6 had a wonderful time this morning taking part in a workshop about ‘Making Correct Choices.’ They designed a character and sent them on a journey, where they had to make a choice.
25th January 2017

Year 6 Macbeth Battle

To launch our new novel, year 6 acted out the Battle on the Heath from Act 1 Scene 2 of the play Macbeth by Shakespeare!