Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
Year 4 have an exciting year ahead that is filled with an abundance of learning opportunities both in and out of school. Our curriculum not only enhances your child’s knowledge but also provides a platform to develop their confidence to try new things that will enable the children to be successful. Opportunities such as taking part in the ‘largest school choir in the world’; taking a trip on their first school residential and developing their water confidence and swimming ability are all examples of experiences that will create long-lasting memories whilst shaping them into well-rounded individuals.

Meet the Teachers
In Year 4 we have two classes named Silver Birch and Oak

Mrs Rabbitt – Oak teacher
Hi! I’m Mrs Rabbitt and I am new to the team. I have been doing supply for schools all around Yorkshire, Fieldhead Carr being one of them. I love it here and now I am now a class teacher in year 4. My favourite subjects are Maths and Arts and craft. I enjoy being able to put my emotions out in a creative way. I do baking as a side profession which I absolutely love. I am excited to link this hobby of mine into the school curriculum with the children, getting them to use their creativity and putting it into action within lessons. Seeing the children grow throughout the year will be a privilege!

Mrs Haynes – Oak teacher
Hi, I’m Mrs Haynes and I am the teacher of Oak. I absolutely love teaching and feel very privileged to spend time with children learning new and exciting things. I have many favourite subjects I like to teach, computing is one of them. I love technology and all it can offer. I am also a huge fan of RE and enjoy teaching about different faiths and worldviews. Away from school I am a keen book worm and enjoy reading.

Mrs Warner – Silver Birch Teacher
Hi, I’m Mrs Warner and I am the teacher of Silver Birch. I absolutely love teaching and feel very privileged to spend time with children learning new and exciting things. I have many favourite subjects I like to teach, computing is one of them. I love technology and all it can offer. I am also a huge fan of RE and enjoy teaching about different faiths and worldviews. Away from school I am a keen book worm and enjoy reading.
The Year 4 Curriculum
In Year 4, we follow the National Curriculum to teach engaging lessons that stimulate the children’s love for learning. We cover the Core Subjects of English, Maths and Science alongside the Foundation subjects of Art and Design, Computing, History, Geography, Design and Technology, RE, PSHE, Music and PE. More information about each subject can be found on the subject pages of our website.
The Year 4 curriculum is planned with the children at the forefront of our minds. We invest a lot of time in creating stimulating and valuable lessons that incorporate both the curriculum and the children’s interests. Lessons are planned through a cross-curricular approach that support children in making links across lessons and subjects that build on their knowledge and enable us to construct exciting learning projects.
This year, our PSHE curriculum will be taught on a daily basis and will take form as a ‘Crew Session’. These sessions are committed to support children in developing a secure sense of self, empathy and understanding of those around us and will also give children the skills to reason and critically evaluate information that they encounter. In year 4, we are excited to begin our Crew Sessions with the children as we see incredible value in developing key life skills such as: respect for others; public speaking with confidence; an ability to form and articulate an opinion and; gain the knowledge of diversity in the world we live in. A number of trips, visitors as well as our Forest School Program will support the development of these skills also.
Learning about Rainforests at Tropical World

Comparing Rainforests to local forests

Making Tribal homes in Design and Technology

Electricity Unit – Exploring ways to connect a working circuit

Art Lesson

Art Lesson

Year 4 Multiplication tables check
In June, during a 3-Week window, year 4 will sit an online Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) which will determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently. This test will support the school to identify pupils who have not mastered their times tables at the end of Year 4, so that additional support can be provided.
But why sit the test?
Understanding and being able to recall the times tables (up to 12 x 12) is essential for future success in mathematics and it is thought that those children who have a strong grasp of them, tend to be more self-assured when learning new concepts.
What does the test involve?
The test will last approximately 5-7 minutes and will be a series of 25 random questions based on all of the times tables up to 12 x 12. For each question, the children are given 6 seconds to input their answer. If they do not answer in that time, the test will skip onto the next question. Once the test is completed, your child will not see their score. These will be sent to the school separately and we will pass these scores onto parents in July.
Will my child have time to practise?
Your child will already have had some exposure to a lot of the times tables so far in their learning journey at Fieldhead Carr. From September, we will have a daily times table focus, that may involve chanting, singing, recording, playing and competing to enable fast and accurate recall. At points in the year, we will test the children to measure their progress. Those children needing additional support will be identified and relevant intervention will take place to ensure they are getting the best support possible.
Before the test in June, the Department of Education will open up their online platform where the children will also be given the opportunity to practise the ‘actual’ test. These scores won’t be stored but it will serve as an excellent opportunity for your child to practise using the software used in the real test.
Times tables fun:
How can I help my child at home?
The MTC is an online test so it is essential that your child practices on an electronic device as much as possible. This could be a tablet, phone or laptop. There are a number of websites that your child can access, and should access, regularly to give them increased exposure and opportunity to develop their times table recall. I will include these links below.
Although it is an online test format, simply chanting, singing and practising the times tables on paper is also an excellent way to keep boosting your child’s recall. This could be when preparing breakfast, walking home from school or driving in the car. Any and every opportunity will no doubt support their learning.
In the Spring term, the children in Year 4 will take part in their first school residential at Robin Hood’s Bay. This is a 2 night residential where they will take part in a variety of activities designed to engage and challenge every child. The children will be given the opportunity to hunt for fossils, search for marine life in the rock pools and find out about the smugglers renowned for their activities during 18th Century. Robin Hood’s Bay is a beautiful part of the coastline and the children will take in the countryside and explore the village during the day as well as at night for the famous night walk.
The Old School House is our base and the chef makes delicious homemade food. At breakfast your child will be offered a choice of cereals followed by toast and a cooked breakfast. At lunch times, the children will provided a packed lunch and in the evening, a two-course meal is freshly cooked for the children after a long, fun day! In the evening, hot chocolate and a biscuit will also keep them topped up too…and hopefully ready to sleep!
Young Voices
Along with all of our wonderful learning in school, the children in Year 4 will also take part in the Young Voices Concert. This is an incredible opportunity for your child – after all, how many children can say they have taken part in the world’s largest school choir and in one of the UK’s biggest arenas? This requires lots of practise in school and involves learning about 15 songs and numerous fun dances to go alongside these! Last year, the children had the most incredible time and couldn’t quite believe how much fun the big concert was and how they felt like real pop stars for the day. The occasion was made even better when they saw their parents arriving at the arena to watch them perform. The parents were overwhelmed by the professional performances and were ecstatic to know how sensational the experience was for their child.
Further information regarding the 22/23 concert, including dates, will be sent out to you in Autumn 1.

Books we will be reading in Year Four
Supporting Learning at Home
There are lots of ways for you to support your children’s learning at home.
- Reading – and lots of it! Reading is essential for growth of knowledge and understanding the world. The more exposure to reading the better. Your child will have a school library book to bring home but this is not all they can read. Sharing magazines, recipe books, comics, online news articles and leaflets are just some forms of reading that will continue to support their reading.
- Visit the BBC website for help and activities linked to all parts of the curriculum.
- Cool Maths and Topmarks have lots of useful maths games.
- TT Rockstars – your children has their own password to practise their times tables at home.