Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
Here is where our amazing children begin their KS1 adventure!
In Year 1 at Fieldhead Carr, we believe in building on the active, hands–on exploration that has taken place in our Foundation Stage and we work closely with our colleagues in Nursery and FS2 to ensure our children have a transition into Year 1 which builds on their previous experiences and supports them to make meaningful connections in their learning through play.
“We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.” George Bernard Shaw
“…[The] world’s greatest discoveries have been made because people were playing around with an idea. The freedom of thought allowed for by play may unlock the learning potential which more confined approaches to the curriculum leave behind.”
Taylor and Baulter, 1993

Meet the Teachers
In Year 1 we have two classes named Buttercup and Sunflower.

Mrs Longhawn – Sunflower Teacher
Every day I am lucky enough to be with fantastic, enthusiastic learners who are challenging themselves and making progress day by day. Seeing their journey across a year is amazing and a privilege, especially as they take responsibility for implementing their learning independently in our provision areas. My favourite subjects to teach are phonics, science and history. I love to teach through providing fun and creative approaches and like nothing better than bringing history to life through an engaging book or drama opportunity….often involving dressing up! There is nothing like seeing a child’s face light up when conducting a science investigation as they wonder how things work!

Mrs Baker – Buttercup Teacher
Qualifying from the Institute of Education in 2018/2019 after some time working in business, I feel I have really found my calling in teaching. I have taught almost every year group from Nursery to Year 6 since then, and love that each year group teaches me something new as well! Having recently moved to Leeds from Tottenham in North London, I am passionate about helping young people realise their love for lifelong learning, and supporting families within the community. I really believe that, with the right adults around you, your school days really can be the best days of your life!
The Year 1 Curriculum
We recognise that children learn best when they are able to make connections and we strive to teach the National Curriculum subjects through topics our children find fun, interesting and engaging. Our curriculum topics are further enriched by trips of exploration around our local environment and beyond! The National Curriculum for Year 1 covers the core subjects of English, Maths and Science alongside the Foundation Subjects of Art and Design, Computing, History, Geography, Design Technology, RE, PSHCE, Music and PE. More information can be found about each subject on the subject pages of our school website.
Here are some photos of our children learning in Year 1
Our learning environment
We believe play provides opportunities for children to experience learning in a meaningful and purposeful way. It is a means by which children can develop the skills and capabilities to be effective learners. Play provides a context for children to access the content of the curriculum. Our Year 1 classrooms provide an enriching environment for children, which promotes exploration of the subjects of the National Curriculum through differing areas of continuous provision. We provide high-quality learning resources in our provision areas. Our resources are carefully selected to ensure they provide continuity from Foundation Stage but also offer a clear and distinct progression. Our areas of provision are enhanced through new and exciting topics throughout the year.
In Year 1, we have two classrooms – Year Sunflowers and Year Buttercups. Both classrooms are tailored to the children and their developmental needs and therefore are ever evolving.
Phonics Screening Check
The Year 1 phonics screening check is a way for teachers to ensure that children are making good progress with their phonics skills to read words and that they are on track to become fluent readers who can enjoy reading for pleasure and for learning.
The phonics screening check is taken individually by all children in Year 1 in England, and is usually taken in June. It is designed to give teachers and parents information on how your child is progressing in phonics. It will help to identify whether your child needs any additional support at this stage.
There are two sections in this 40-word check and it assesses phonics skills and knowledge learned through Reception and Year 1. Your child will read up to four words per page to their class teacher in a familiar, relaxed environment and they will usually do the check in one sitting of about 5–10 minutes.
When the children have settled into their new learning environment, we offer a phonics workshop which aims to give parents and carers the opportunity to learn more about phonics so you are able to feel confident in supporting your child at home.
Here are some websites you can access to support your child with their phonics at home:
- – A website packed with interactives games and phonics resources.
- Fun Games for children to play to help them with their phonics sounds.
Books we will be reading in Year One
Supporting learning at home
All Areas
- BBC Bitesize. Visit the BBC website for help and activities linked to all parts of the curriculum.
- Oxford Owl have over 100 free e-books for children aged 3-11.
- Practise times tables, doubles, halves and number bonds.
- Lots of fun games to play!
- Cool Maths. Lots of different games to play.