
Parent information on Positive norms in Maths

Lets bust those ‘bad at Maths myths’ together!

“Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth but supreme beauty” – Bertrand Russell

 “Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment.” – National Curriculum

Our Learning Intent for Maths

The maths curriculum at Fieldhead Carr Primary School ensures that our children are given strong foundations to become competent mathematicians. It is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning. Through the mastery approach, it has the same academic ambitions for all learners.

Mastery of maths means a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.
In line with the National Curriculum, our children at Fieldhead Carr Primary School learn: 

  • fluency (rapid and accurate recall and application of facts and concepts)
  • a growing confidence to reason mathematically
  • the ability to apply maths to solve problems and test hypotheses

In addition to this, the opportunity to revisit prior learning regularly 

Our Progression of Skills document shows what we expect our pupils to learn as they progress through Fieldhead Carr Primary School. It shows each mathematical strand and how skills progress through the year groups using the National Curriculum.

How we Implement Maths at Fieldhead Carr Primary School

At Fieldhead Carr Primary School, we recognise that our children need to be confident and fluent across each yearly objective in order for them to progress to deeper and more complex problems. To ensure our pupils acquire this deeper understanding, we follow the White Rose Maths Hub schemes of learning. White Rose schemes of learning are broken down into small steps and our teachers use these to plan their day to day lessons whilst ensuring, through assessment, if any Small Step is not understood children will continue to work on this until they are confident before moving on.

The White Rose Maths Hub schemes of learning break down each National Curriculum objective into fluency, reasoning and problem solving and we use the learning challenges to teach for mastery – which extends and deepens the understanding of pupils within each year group using the concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) approach.

Our teachers also use a range of other high quality resources such as the NCETM to further stretch and challenge all learners within the classroom. We are now currently receiving training and teaching the programme ‘Mastering Number’ (since September 2023) to develop good number sense, fluency and flexibility with number for all children from FS2 to KS1 and we plan to begin Mastering Number in KS2 next year (Sept 2025).

Our approach to the teaching of mathematics develops children’s ability to work both independently and collaboratively as part of a team. Through mathematical talk and stem sentences, children learn to develop the ability to articulate and discuss their thinking through reasoning and problem solving.

Introducing Numbers
NCETM Mastering Number and Numberblocks

Mastering Number is our main teaching resource in FS2, designed by the NCETM to develop strong number sense, fluency, and flexibility with numbers up to 20. In Year 1 and Year 2, it continues as a supporting resource. In FS2, we use White Rose Maths to teach Shape, Space, and Measure.

Numberblocks is an award-winning BBC television series that introduces early number concepts through engaging characters and storylines. At Fieldhead Carr, we use Numberblocks in Nursery and in FS2 to reinforce key mathematical ideas alongside our core teaching programmes.

Take a look at some Numberblocks materials here:  Numberblocks – lots of fantastic interactive games for children in their early years to play. Numberblocks episodes – number blocks clips to watch.

Our Calculation Policy

Our Calculation Policy ensures there is consistency as the children grow and develop through their maths journey with us at Fieldhead Carr Primary School.


Using the correct vocabulary is essential. That’s why we use stem sentences to ensure children are able to describe the maths they are learning succinctly and accurately. We also use the Rising Stars vocabulary and have this visible on our maths working walls.

Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs)

To ensure our children are fluent and confident with their maths facts we have introduced KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts). These follow the National Curriculum and are designed to be progressive through each year group – Year 1 and Year 2 use Mastering Number as their KIRFS. They support our children to become fluent and secure so they are then able to carry out calculations at ease. In September 2023, we updated our KIRFS to ensure that all times tables were taught before the Multiplication Check in Year 4.

Take a look at our KIRFs for each year group here:

Key Instant Recall Facts Whole School Overview

Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS)

Times Table Rock Star (TTRS) Website – follow this link:

See this letter for how to log on – TTRS Letter

At Fieldhead Carr, we use Times Table Rockstars for the children to practise their times tables at home and at school. Please practise as much as you can with your children at home!

Other Internet-based Games relating to Times Tables Practice This is a fantastic game which covers learning times tables (hit the answer and hit the questions), division, facts, doubles, halves, number bonds and square numbers. A collection of little games from the Primary Games website. Burst only the balloons that are multiples of the given table.

World Maths Day

We want children to know that maths is truly magical and there is so much to learn and discover! That’s why we foster our love for maths every day and even have special days to celebrate too! Each year we hold a whole school maths day where children have many opportunities to problem solve, reason and even learn about famous mathematicians. We also invite maths companies in to make our days even more exciting.

What our Children say about Maths in school…

“I enjoy maths because teachers explain it well and help you understand.”
Year 6 Pupil

“I like working out problems and getting challenges.” 
Year 3 Pupil

What our Teachers say about Maths in School…

“In Nursery, the children love number study, gaining a deep understanding of one number at a time. They are showing fantastic confidence in number.” 
Nursery Teacher

Learning key skills through the KIRFS has enabled FS2 to make massive improvement. Our children also use STEM sentences confidently and discussion partners are working really well. The children enjoy maths and they are confident and engaged”.
FS2 Teacher

“Using STEM sentences on our working walls and during teaching has really supported children”
Year 2 Teacher

“The structure of the lessons really supports children” 
Year 2 Teacher

“Using Jo Boaler’s ‘Positive Norms’ has really enabled our children to understand that everyone has a maths brain and hard work, perseverance and support are what helps us in our continuous learning.” 
Year 3 Teacher

Using STEM sentences really supports vocabulary and engagement. Children really enjoy the BAD exit tasks too.” 
Year 4 Teacher

The ‘Positive Norms’ have transformed the mindset around maths for my class. They are more positive about trying new things and making mistakes without feeling deflated.” 
Year 4 Teacher

“Children have particularly enjoyed accessing the KIRFs through challenges at the beginning of our lessons.”
Year 5 Teacher

“Year 5 Beech have really enjoyed the daily flashback as it revisits the concepts they have previously learnt.”
Year 5 Teacher

Useful Websites

Children make progress best as mathematicians when they regularly repeat skills and practise them until they become embedded.  Here is the list of websites that contain many engaging games that your child can use to embed those key skills.  Numberblocks – lots of fantastic interactive games for children in their early years to play. Numberblocks episodes – number blocks clips to watch. Numberblocks songs Topmarks  –  Lots of fun games to play with children of all ages! Maths Zone – Another collection of games and activities across the full range of curriculum content, mostly appropriate to our KS2 pupils. ICT Games  – Various interactive maths games to play