Year 6
Welcome to Year 6!
Year 6 is an exciting year with lots of great learning challenges and opportunities. These range from our year 6 residential, to creating enterprises that raise money for our end of year trip and the end of school production! The children in Year 6 take on extra responsibilities within school – they are our FHC role-models! This year is one that creates lots of fabulous memories just before the children go onto their next journey of High School.
Meet the Teachers
In Year 6 we have two classes named Hazel and Hawthorn

Miss Bojanic – Hazel Teacher

Miss Stockton – Hawthorn Teacher
Hello. I’m Miss Stockton and I teach in Year 6 alongside Mrs Celik in Hawthorn.
My favourite subjects are English, Science and Humanities; I love a good writing session with the children and find the practical elements of science fascinating! Outside of school, you will see me running! There is nothing more refreshing than being outdoors!
The Year 6 Curriculum
In Year 6 we follow the National Curriculum, teaching exciting, engaging lessons. We cover the Core Subjects of English, Maths and Science alongside the Foundation Subjects of Art and Design, Computing, History, Geography, Design Technology, RE, PSHCE, Music and PE. More information about each subject can be found on the subject pages of the website.
Our curriculum is planned for our children; we strive to make every lesson interesting and valuable for the children. In Year 6 we plan lessons that meet the children’s interests, as well as covering the required curriculum. We plan in a cross-curricular way so that subjects link and cross over to make exciting projects and learning experiences.
The Residential
Along with all the fun and exciting opportunities in school, in year 6 we also go on a very exciting residential to High Adventure Outdoor Education Centre!
High Adventure was originally set up in 2001 by a small group of ex-teachers who wanted more from an outdoor centre than what was being offered. They started with a simple aim; To build an outdoor education centre with high levels of activity that is safe, fun and educational whilst also providing teacher friendly customer service. Today, the activity centre is still owned and operated by avid outdoor enthusiasts with a strong background in training and management within the outdoors sector, with over 20 highly trained instructors on staff.
There are a wide range of activities on offer at the Centre including climbing, canoeing, raft building, zip wire, leap of faith, Jacob’s ladder, Caving and many more!
A message from Marcus Sedgwick
In year 6, we have been reading ‘Floodland’ by the brilliant Marcus Sedgwick. Here’s a message from the author himself.
In May the children in Year 6 will sit SATs (Statutory Assessment Tests.) The children will take tests in Reading, Maths and SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.) There is no test for Writing, Science or the Foundation Subjects – these are assessed by the class teacher. In the Spring term we will hold a SATs information session for parents and carers, where you will be able to find out about the tests in more detail.
We make sure that the children at Fieldhead Carr are calm, confident and ready for their SATs and are proud of their achievements. We celebrate the whole child as we know how fabulous our children are.
Books we will be reading in Year Six
Supporting Learning at Home
There are lots of ways for you to support your children’s learning at home.
- Reading, reading, reading! Your child will have a school library book to bring home, but can also read books at home, magazines, comics and news articles online. The more you can read with your children the better.
- TT Rockstars – your children has their own password to practise their times tables at home. - Visit the BBC website for help and activities linked to all parts of the curriculum.
- Cool Maths and Topmarks have lots of useful maths games.
- This website will help you with your history learning.