FS1 – Nursery
Welcome to our Nursery at Fieldhead Carr Primary School.
Please take a look at the video below and share it with your child. We look forward to welcoming your child into our wonderful setting.
Click to read our Nursery brochure

Mrs Ali – Primrose teacher
At Fieldhead Carr we know all of our children are unique therefore our vision in FS1 is to have a positive and caring relationship committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all children. We want our children to be happy and show a curiosity for learning and exploring, persisting when they are faced with challenges and be resilient to bounce back. When learning, we want the children to show high levels of fascination, enjoy solving problems and learn from their mistakes as well as moving their ideas forward.
We have a clear vision to help all children prepare for their future; provide a safe, stimulating, caring and happy environment for all children and enable all children to develop their competences as successful learners, become assertive individuals, and effective contributors to humanity.
We aim to engage our children in the highest quality learning by creating an environment, both indoor and outdoor that is stimulating, safe, purposeful and interactive. This is to ensure all children are happy, making it enjoyable as well as meeting the needs of all individuals.
Through planned, purposeful play, children are able to discover, practise and refine their skills in literacy and mathematics as well as find out about themselves and their environment. In a broad and balanced way, our provision ensures coverage of the seven areas of learning and responds to the needs and interests of all our children. At all times, we consider characteristics of effective learning which promote positive attitudes to learning, an enthusiasm for knowledge and the confidence to become successful learners.
Communication is a key aspect: ‘High-quality early years education, with a strong focus on communication, is good for every child’. Challenge is also important: ‘The curriculum needs to be ambitious… Depth in early learning is much more important than covering lots of things in a superficial way’ (both: Development Matters, DfE, 2021).
All about me
I grew up in Birmingham and moved to Leeds when I met my Husband. I began teaching in 2013 and I have taught in Early Years and KS1. My passion is teaching in Early years and watching where the learning journey begins- it really is special to be part of those important first years of school life. Out of school, I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking and going for walks in the countryside.

Ms Silkstone
FS1 Nursery Curriculum
Take a look at our children in action – learning through play
Books we will be reading in FS1
At Fieldhead Carr Primary School we work hard to promote a love of reading for all of our children. Please look out for our regular stay and read sessions and join us for our parent and child story sessions with the local library.
Things you can do to get you child ready for starting FS1
Have a look at the film clip of the setting on our Website with your child
Watch the video to remember what you saw and talk about it. what are they looking forward to doing at Nursery?
Read, talk and sing together
Read books, sing songs and nursery rhymes.
Practice the routine
Practice the morning routine – getting dressed, eating breakfast in time to leave.
Practice self-care skills
Practice using a cup, knife and fork, putting on and taking off a coat
Toilet training
Accidents happen when learning a new skill. We are fully equipped to support your child. Pack spare pants and a change of clothes to keep in Nursery. Practice using the potty or toilet, pulling down own pants.
Transition to Nursery
Effective transition to Nursery is essential to ensure that staff are able to build secure and strong relationships with families and children and to ease the transition into a new environment. To ensure an effective transition into Nursery, we will ask parents to join us with their child for a transition visit, during which we will show parents and children around the setting, introduce staff members and complete any admissions forms. Following this, we ask parents to join us for 3 stay and play sessions for up to an hour each time before leaving their child. Staggered starts individually programmed to meet you and your child’s needs, ensures that children are able to settle into Nursery at their own pace and feel happy and confident when they do begin their full sessions.