Arrangements for
admissions to our
main school
Admission arrangements into Reception classes in community primary schools in Leeds are arranged by the Local Authority. A booklet called ‘Starting School in Leeds’ setting out the admissions procedures and criteria, together with details of how to apply, are available from the School Admissions team at Leeds County Council. Our school office team is always on hand to support you with this process should you need further advice.
Parents and Carers of children seeking to join the school in other year groups, should contact the office and request an in year common transfer form.
Arrangements for
admissions to our
main school
Admission arrangements into Reception classes in community primary schools in Leeds are arranged by the Local Authority. A booklet called ‘Starting School in Leeds’ setting out the admissions procedures and criteria, together with details of how to apply, are available from the School Admissions team at Leeds County Council. Our school office team is always on hand to support you with this process should you need further advice.
Parents and Carers of children seeking to join the school in other year groups, should contact the office and request an in year common transfer form.
Our Early
Flying Start
Flying Start is our brand new, purpose built provision for 2 year olds. It is the latest addition to our highly successful Early Years department, which prides itself on giving children the confidence and independence to ‘Do it myself’.
From thoughtfully designed room to direct access on to an outside provision, your child will have a high quality, calm and rich environment which will allow them to be nurtured, happy and developed in all areas of the Early Years. Flying Start is open from 7.45am until 6pm, during term time only.
Funded and paid places are offered subject to availability.
Foundation Stage 1
Children can start Nursery from their third birthday, if a space is available, accessing morning or afternoon sessions. This offer can be taken up using the government’s ‘free 15 hours’ initiative. Additional morning or afternoon sessions can also be booked at a daily cost of £14.85 per session, allowing your child to attend from 8.45 until 3.15pm up to 5 days per week.
In addition to this, for working families in England an extra 15 hours a week of childcare – so 30 hours in all is offered, allowing your child to attend from 8.45am until 3.15pm 5 days a week, term time. A charge of £4 is made daily, inclusive of a free lunch.
Fieldhead Carr Primary welcomes all children regardless of special needs or disability. We pride ourselves on the nurturing nature of our school. Pupils with additional needs may have extra visits before starting school and there will be close liaison with parents to ensure that the correct arrangements are in place.
Our Upper Key Stage 2 staff and the Pastoral team are very experienced and highly skilled at supporting both parents and children through the secondary transition process. They work closely with the secondary pastoral teams to ensure a smooth transition that meets the needs of the individual pupil. Children from Fieldhead Carr are renowned for their smooth transition into the secondary system due to the quality of the preparation they have received.
There is a large variety of secondary schools we feed into, so families have a huge choice on offer.