Year 2
Welcome to Year 2!
Year 2 is an exciting and challenging year. Children in Year 2 are encouraged to work with increased levels of independence within a more structured lesson approach. They relish the chance to take on challenges to develop and grow.
We also know that independence and creativity is essential in shaping rounded learners and so we also have age appropriate provision in place. Our Year 2 provision gives children to explore areas of the curriculum in a hands on way eg: the story making zone, scientific enquiry stations and maths challenge area. This provision builds on the best practice from EYFS and Year 1, ensuring that children never lose the inquisitiveness and independence in their learning.
We believe this blended approach to learning gives the children the strongest possible platform with which to tackle the challenges of the Year 2 curriculum. Have a look at our classroom set up below.
Meet the Teachers
We have two Year 2 classes named Snowdrop and Honeysuckle

Miss Johnson – Snowdrop Teacher
Hello! I’m Miss Johnson, and I have the pleasure of teaching Snowdrop class this year.
My favourite subject to teach is Maths, especially when it comes to lessons focused on problem-solving and reasoning. I love guiding students as they apply the skills they’ve learned to real-life situations. Year 2 is such a wonderful age group, and I’m thrilled to be teaching them!

Mr Welsh – Honeysuckle Teacher
Hi, my name’s Mr Welsh and I will be teaching Year 2 Honeysuckle!
I love being a teacher, being able to spend time with children and learn new interesting things is a privilege. My favourite thing about being a teacher is introducing new concepts and ideas and allowing the children in my class to be able to investigate and explore them. My favourite subjects to teach are Maths, Geography and History – I especially love learning about these in practical and fun ways through drama or an Art opportunity!
In Year 2 we follow the National Curriculum, teaching engaging, hands on lessons. We cover the Core Subjects of English, Maths and Science alongside the Foundation Subjects of Art and Design, Computing, History, Geography, Design Technology, RE, PSHE, Music and PE. English is further divided into reading, writing, phonics, spelling and grammar. These areas are taught discretely across the year, dependent on your child’s learning requirements. More information about each subject can be found on the subject pages of the website.
We work hard in year 2 to create stimulating, interesting lessons and part of this is to ensure that we plan each half terms lessons using a cross curricula approach. For example, from our class text in English we can create links to foundation subjects so the relevance of each lesson is clear to children and their knowledge and skills are built on lesson by lesson.
We also invest a lot of time developing a robust approach to the children’s personal and social development through PHSE lessons and creating a supportive and encouraging classroom environment. This approach to promoting resilience and effective learning behaviours enables children to work to their full potential both academically and emotionally.
Science investigation

PHSE peer massage

Music Lesson

Maths and Design & Technology in Action

Florence Nightingale’s hospital

Geography – finding landmarks on the ‘Thames’

Our art classroom! Experimenting and exploring with watercolour paints into our sketchbooks.

Maths team work experiment – measuring objects against kilogram weights using balancing scales and recording our findings in a table.

Science and Art activity in action

exploring different materials to decorate a character from our twisted tales topic!

In May the children in Year 2 will sit SATs (Statutory Assessment Tests.) The children will take tests in Reading, Maths and SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.) There is no test for Writing, Science or the Foundation Subjects – these are assessed by the class teacher. In the Spring term we will hold a SATs information session for parents and carers, where you will be able to find out about the tests in more detail and see examples of the test papers.
The tests are conducted over a two week period and are normally sat in small groups supervised by the class teacher. We can adjust how the tests are administered according to your child’s requirements e.g. provide ‘brain breaks’ to boost concentration.
We ensure that the children approach SATs in a calm, confident manner ensuring that they recognize them as an opportunity to demonstrate their learning rather than a pass or fail test. We celebrate the whole child and all progress made as we know how amazing our children are.
Phonics Check
In year 1 children will have completed a phonics check to assess their understanding of phase 3 to 5 phonics. If they did not achieve the pass mark in year 1 the government will require them to re sit the check in year 2. The check is administered in June and will be completed by a teacher familiar to them. You will have been informed at the end of year 1 of the development areas for your child and progress in phonics will be discussed with you throughout your child’s time in year 2.
Books we will be reading in Year Two
Supporting learning at home
- Reading to and with your child is the most important way to help your child.They will have a school library book to bring home, but can also read books at home, magazines, comics and news articles online. The more you can read with your children the better. Use this link to identify how the reading scheme works in school for your child. Supply document outlining reading scheme / links to reading strategies with chidlren
- TT Rockstars- your children have their own password to practise their times tables at home.
- You can also practise times tables using the hit the button game.
- Visit the BBC website for help and activities linked to all parts of the curriculum.
- Cool Maths and Topmarks have lots of useful maths games to help practise number core skills such as number bonds, halves, doubles.
- This website will help you with your history learning.
Phonics websites
- This website has a section for parents to help children practise their phonics sounds and is set out in phases. It also has lots of interactive games for blending for readings skills and segmentation for spelling. (Please ask us for advise as to what your child needs to revise at home)
- Bitesize has lots of video clips to revise phase 2 and 3 sounds. There are also video clips to support learning spelling strategies too
- This website has information for parents supporting children’s learning and is set out clearly in phases. There are lots of interactive games and resources
- Another useful website guiding parents through how to teach and understand your child’s phonics learning, along with useful games to practise sounds