FHC Wombles
FHC Wombles was created as a result of a ‘stand’ made in Crew by children over the period of a term.
Their concern was that sometimes litter blows in from the local environment and makes our playgrounds an untidy place to play.
The school Council picked up the ‘stand’ and requested support from the Local Councillor Jess Lennox and were provided with a lovely kit to help them begin tackling the issue. Our kit includes high-vis vests with our Womble logo on the back, litter pickers, bin bag holders, and antibacterial gel for clean safe hands.

Children can volunteer to be a womble for a day and they give up some of their play or lunchtime to take the kit out and do a clean-up of the school grounds.
Classes can also volunteer to take the kit out into the local environment and do a local area clean up. There is a strong ‘Womble’ presence in our local community and the children love the fact that they are working with other community residents to keep our community clean and safe for all to use.