Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Fieldhead Carr Primary School is a highly inclusive primary school, which strives to meet the individual needs of all its learners. We work in partnership with children, parents and other agencies to provide the best possible outcomes for all our children, including those with a range of additional and complex needs. The school’s SEN policy and procedures ensure that high expectations, early intervention and appropriate support for all our children are in place to ensure our children reach their full potential.
‘The school quickly identifies pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff adapt their teaching to ensure that pupils with SEND achieve well across the curriculum. For a small number of pupils with SEND a very personalised curriculum is in place. This helps to meet their very specific, individual needs. Knowledgeable staff ensure that these pupils continue to learn and develop a wide range of skills. Staff work closely with specialists to ensure pupils and families receive what they need.’
‘Pupils are highly accepting of differences and understand why they should treat each other well. They are welcoming to others who join their school. They recognise that any form of discrimination would not be acceptable. One child said, ‘There is no judging of others here.’ OFSTED Feb 2024
Meet the Inclusion Team:

Mrs Widnall

Mrs Sinker
Inclusion Support Lead

Mrs Robinson
Deputy SENDCo

Mrs Duplex
Autism Unit Manager

Ms Exley
SEND administrator

Ms Grossett
Inclusion Practitioner

Ms Geldard
ASD Practitioner

Mrs Bennett-Lapham
Attendance and family support

Mrs Haney
SEMHS Practitioner

Miss Lumb
Speech and Language Practitioner
SEN pupils is overseen and managed by the SENDCo and Deputy SENDCo, with support from the team. If you wish to contact the team to make an appointment, please call 0113 2930226 or email hello@fieldheadcarr.leeds.sch.uk
School Offer and Graduated Response
Children and Families Bill 2013 and SEND Code of Practice (CoP) 2014
The Children and Families Bill takes forward the Government’s commitment to improve services for vulnerable children and support families. It underpins wider reforms to ensure that all children and young people can succeed. The Bill will reform the systems for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), adoption, looked after children and family justice.
The SEND Code of Practice transformed the system for children and young people with SEND so that their best outcomes are met through consistent support from all services involved. The CoP extends the SEND system from birth to 25; giving children, young people and their parents/carers greater control and choice in decisions.
Our Graduated Response- Our aim is to identify any needs early to minimise a gap
All our pupils are treated as individuals and as such, class teachers, alongside support staff plan an appropriate curriculum, which is differentiated to meet the needs of the individuals through quality first teaching and effective resources. All our children regardless of need are able to access a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum as part of the whole community.
If a child is not responding as expected, progress slows or has increasing difficulties with emotions and well-being the teacher will seek support from the Inclusion team and try alternative strategies in the classroom. We aim to identify and assess children with additional needs as early and as thoroughly as possible. If something over and above what is normally available is required, it is at this point parents will be involved and the placement on our SEND register takes place.
A thorough assessment will take place and the child’s SEND provision planned. This may include Personalised Support Plans (PSPs), Individual Risk Assessments (IPRAs), Positive Behaviour Support Plan (PBSP) and Care Plans are put in place and are reviewed regularly.
Our school utilises a range of bespoke interventions, which are tailored to meet the needs of our children and are developed, reviewed and evaluated to ensure pupils are making maximum progress. Progress, plans, targets and next steps are regularly shared with children and parents.
If the child continues to make little or no progress in learning and emotional well-being, the school will need to seek help from outside agencies, personalised /appropriate learning programmes will be supported by these agencies and form part of their bespoke curriculum.
If, despite all the support and provision from home and school, with the help of external specialists, taking relevant and purposeful action to meet the child’s learning difficulties, those difficulties remain or have not been remedied sufficiently a request for an EHCP may be made.
Our aim is for school, parents and children to work together and be fully involved at all stages.
a. Our Graduated Response

Working together
Parents are integral partners in their child’s journey through school and are invited to attend regular parent’s evenings and additional review meetings. Where a child has more complex needs, parents are also invited to reviews which may involve other professionals. Parents are invited to request a meeting with a member of the Inclusion Team should any concerns arise. Our parents are also encouraged to engage in their child’s learning in a range of other ways such as supporting their child with their homework, joining family learning classes or utilising resources provided by school to help their child.
Staff in school are trained and work alongside professionals from outside agencies to develop their skills and knowledge and expertise in specific areas of Special Educational Needs. Staff are able to offer a wide range of support and strategies to support inclusion within our school. Our school works alongside a range of outside agencies to maximise learning opportunities and to help pupils reach their full potential. We work regularly with agencies such as Seacroft and Manston Cluster support, Speech and Language Therapy, Educational Psychology, STARs, Complex Needs Services, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, CAMHs and Social Care.
Our learning environment is accessible and appropriate for our pupils and is adapted when necessary. The school has two disabled toilets, a hygiene suite, a ‘Thrive’ nurture room, ‘Snapdragons’ an ASD provision and an intervention room.
The following policies are available and reflect the school’s commitment to inclusion, safety and well-being of children:
- Safeguarding/ Child Protection policy
- Mental Health Intent Statement
- SEMH Policy
- Behaviour Policy
- Teaching and Learning policy
- Single Equality Scheme and Action Plan
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Health and Safety Policies
- Freedom of Information and Publication Scheme
If you wish to discuss anything in relation to our school offer, please contact a member of our inclusion team.
Leeds Local Offer
- Education support
- Health Services
- Social Care support
- Play and leisure activities
- Getting ready for adult life
- Education, Health and care plans
Email: llo@leeds.gov.uk
Visit the Leeds Local Offer here